Mentoring is integral to leadership development
Mentoring is an investment in others who will lead after us and they too will become mentors. This is a priority for us. One can tell what your real priorities are by where one’s money is invested.
Recently the Board of Administration of the FMCiC approved a Leadership Development Ministries (LDM) budget. LDM is a way to make more funds available for all candidates for ministry. Let me give you an example of how it works.
LDM is like your personal bank account. Put money in the account and watch it build! Take money out of the account and the balance goes down but you don't mind if you have used the money wisely. The LDM is a budget, but like a bank account. What goes in LDM is Giving Streams donations from the local church,
- Repayment of student scholarship funds,
- Foundational Courses revenues,
- Bequests and Direct Donations,
- Dividends on investments in the Free Methodist Foundation and Lorne Park Foundation
That's how we build the bank account. Now, how do we invest it in mentoring and developing leaders? The LDM fully funds:
l College, Seminary, D.Min and PhD scholarships.
l Foundational Course scholarships,
l Chair of Wesley Studies at Tyndale,
l Grants for Internships.
LDM funds Ministers Retreat and Network Mentoring Resources
What is particularly new is that LDM will now fund Ministers Retreats (the speakers, pastors’ travel subsidies) rather than from operations. Further, as we launch the Network Mentoring plan the resources for mentoring will come from the LDM.
LDM and Leadership Giving Stream
Leadership Giving Stream is one of the best ways you can invest in mentoring and leadership development. Gifts to Leadership Giving Streams will go directly into the LDM and go out to invest in students, interns, and candidates for ministry. We will secure the future of Wesleyan thought and practice through support of the Chair of Wesley Studies and encouraging Wesleyan scholarship through funding PhD candidates.
Make Leadership Giving Stream a regular part of your giving. It’s your chance to invest in healthy leaders for the future, now.
Rev. Alan Retzman is Director of Personnel for The Free Methodist Church in Canada
Acting upon our connectional value, Free Methodist churches in Canada – together – support a number of ministry areas that maximize our impact beyond our local churches. Each church, at the local level, decides what contributions will be made and where those funds will be directed. These "together" ministries allow our influence to expand throughout Canada and beyond.
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