Thank you for partnering with us to provide funds for programming in Relief and Development projects around the world. You have made a dramatic difference in changing the lives of those in need. We are pleased to provide an update of the international projects you are supporting through your World Relief Sunday gifts, ‘Church Adopted Programs’ and special appeal offerings.
We are able to work in the world’s poorest countries to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of impoverished people by working together with you, the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and with our overseas church partners.
Our overseas church partners are successful because of your prayer and financial support. Poverty, famine, AIDS, and conflict are very real challenges. We need renewed commitment as well as God given strength and direction to pursue holistic ministry throughout the world.
Partnership Activities
The participation of the Free Methodist Church in Canada in World Relief Sunday and other projects continues to provide us with the means to deliver hope to those facing despair. This past year’s theme “Hope is Within Reach” was a challenge to help provide hope and a future to those reaching out. We continue to help people in poverty and hunger to see hope for their lives and experience the love of Jesus. Below is a list of the thousands of people your churches are a part of supporting:
Bangladesh - Microfinance and Food Relief - 47,200 people
Cambodia - Microfinance and Health Education - 47,400 people
China - Water supply - 4,200 people
Eritrea - Food Relief - 15,000 people
India - Agriculture, Water Supply, Relief and Rehabilitation - 43,350 people
Indonesia - Reconstruction and Rehabilitation - 1,000 people
Kenya - Food Relief - 3,000 people
Liberia - Microfinance and Rehabilitation - 72,900 people
Malawi - Relief and Rehabilitation - 5,000 people
Mali - Agriculture and Water Supply - 1,500 people
Mozambique - Microfinance - 18,915 people
Rwanda Microfinance - 23,500 people
Sierra Leone - Agricultural Rehabilitation - 1,800 people
Sudan - Food Relief - 31,000
Vietnam - Microfinance and Water Supply - 4,500 people
Zimbabwe - Food Relief - 6,750 people
If you would like further information on World Relief Canada or any of these specific projects please contact Desiree Frost at our head office at:1-800-567-8190 extension 216, or e-mail her at
Word Relief Sunday 2007
Cultivating hope, Growing communities
This year, World Relief Sunday is set for September 30. However, that is just a suggestion. Many pastors choose to participate anytime throughout the fall and/or winter. The important thing is for each of our partners to select a time that would best allow them the opportunity to focus their attention on Christ’s call to reach out and share with those who are less fortunate. We need the help of your churches in responding to poverty, hunger, and pain so that together we can shine the light of Jesus Christ in places of great spiritual darkness.
World Relief Canada does not rely on significant media or fundraising campaigns. We rely on the generous gifts of individuals and evangelical congregations to provide the resources for relief and development programs around the world.
Our unique partnership offers you the opportunity to have your gifts multiplied through generous matching dollars from CIDA and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
In His great cause,
Laurie Cook,
Word Relief Canada
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