Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Norm Bull Retires: having served as Director of Administrative Services for thirteen years

When I think of Norm Bull’s retirement from the responsibilities of Administrative Services in The Free Methodist Church in Canada my mind goes back to those years when we worked together on the National Leadership Team. During the latter half of the 90s during the changes that were happening at that time, two words that were tossed around a lot were "effective" and "efficient." Norm Bull, with his background in financial institutions brought meaning to both of these words in his work in Administrative Services. With his no-nonsense conscientious approach to his work Norm always helped to keep the standard high in the stewardship of time, money and other resources. The record stands as evidence.

As a team member Norm added a neat sense of humor and personal warmth that kept us sane through difficult times. While he worked hard and long, he modeled balance through his involvement in his church, curling, golf, running and an occasional time of vacation. In addition to these the quality of his commitment to family continues to be an inspiration to anyone who notices.

From what I can tell at this distance Norm’s commitment to serve his Lord and the church continues into his days of retirement.
Rev. Dennis Camplin


Norm Bull arrived at The Free Methodist Church in Canada Ministry Centre in 1994 during a period of transition. Over the next number of years he did an exceptional job of redeveloping the ‘business’ functions of The Free Methodist Church in Canada.

Norm’s expertise with and knowledge of The Free Methodist Church in Canada was invaluable as Director of Administrative Services.

Whether reporting to the Board of Administration or responding to inquiries from treasurers, pastors or lay persons of local congregations, Norm was always prompt, efficient and thorough. Everyone with whom he dealt respected him.

It was always a pleasure to work with Norm from a Board of Administration and Management Committee perspective. His knowledge on pensions, investments, legal and financial matters, audits, and general administrative functions and procedures was exceptional.

I appreciate Norm for his strong Christian faith, his commitment to his local church and his valued friendship, and wish him a blessed retirement.
Brian R. Cooke


For the past 13 years, Norm Bull has given careful and conscientious oversight to the administrative aspect of the ministry of The Free Methodist Church in Canada.

Pastors and local congregations have appreciated his efficient, helpful and thorough responses to their questions regarding payroll, church mortgages, pension and many other administrative matters. Lorne Park Foundation has appreciated his assistance and his service to the Board of Directors. The Free Methodist Foundation in Canada relied heavily on his knowledge of the legal and investment aspect of its ministry.

But more than that, every conversation with Norm revealed his genuine interest and concern for you as a person and your ministry.

We thank Norm for his life and ministry and wish him a long and happy retirement with thanksgiving to God for his faithful stewardship to The Free Methodist Church in Canada as Director of Administrative Services.
Rev. Lloyd R. Eyre, Lead Pastor at Peterborough FMC

Someone once said, "When some people retire, it’s going to be mighty hard to be able to tell the difference." That will certainly not be the case with Norm Bull. At the Ministry Cetnre we have all experienced Norm’s very dry sense of humour - he would often make us laugh recounting stories of working at the bank, playing on his curling team and growing up as a pastor’s kid in rural Ontario. He also took great pleasure in teasing newcomers to the staff, announcing, "I’m going out for a smoke." It took little persuading to assure them that he was, in fact, joking! Congratulations Norm! We are so very happy for you and pray that your next steps will be full and blessed. We miss you already, so don’t forget about us!
Lisa Howden

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