Why would God give the gift of His son to me? That is the question I ask myself most at Christmas time. What makes Almighty God decide to come to earth in our form – be born in cold and stark surroundings and live among his creation? Perfect love – that’s what. God’s love for us is intense, passionate, without conditions . . . simply perfect.
Perfect love, it sounds too good to be true – and that is what we tell ourselves, isn’t it? We live in a world filled with conditions that we understand because we see them functioning all around us. However, God operates differently and demonstrates this by freely giving his son to us – no strings attached – no ‘ands’ or ‘buts’ – we are perfectly love – period.
A few year’s ago the song, “How great is your love” was released and sung in many of our churches. The chorus asks, “How high and how wide. How deep and how long. How sweet and how strong is your love. How lavish your grace. How faithful your ways. How great is your love, oh Lord?” I remember singing this song and feeling overwhelmed by God’s incredible love for me.
This is undoubtedly a busy time of the year. With long shopping lists, office parties, family gatherings, decorating and cooking it is easy to become distracted from what is really important.
This is the true meaning of Christmas for me: here, lying in a stable surrounded by animals and straw, is our Promise. All we could ever hope for or imagine, he is. All the wisdom, power and virtue of God contained in this baby. And so now, we are all invited to gather around the manger and witness once again this perfect love that has entered the world to redeem us.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. [Isaiah 9:6]
Lisa Howden
Communications Coordinator for
The Free Methodist Church in Canada
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